As a creative campaign agency that spends a considerable amount of time helping organizations with their on-going marketing, we often discuss the importance of creating and maintaining strong brand equity and how a logo is only one element within a comprehensive identity system.
While there are many aspects of a brand’s presence to consider, color arguably plays one of the biggest roles in defining who a business is and what they do. Color theory and psychology are fascinating subjects because while everyone perceives color differently, it usually works out that people of similar cultures, backgrounds, locations, etc., tend to have similar connections with colors. This is important to consider as identity systems are developed and honed into powerful assets.
I found it particularly interesting to read about how prolific color forecasting is on a variety of industries. As a graphic designer and art director, I am most familiar with Pantone’s Color of the Year and trend reports. While the impact color plays on industries really goes much further than that, I am reminded of our blog post earlier this year regarding 2018 design trends and our commentary on how organizations are taking more risks when it comes to their brands, especially with color—Emerging Design Trends in 2018.
Rizco approaches branding projects such as audits, redesigns, or developing brand guidelines from a research-based perspective where we look at trends in an organization’s industry, evaluate their business goals, and even dive into the psychology of the colors we’re selecting. We raise the following questions: What colors that will help convey trust and expertise, speak directly to a brand’s niche demographic, or help a brand stand out amongst its competitors? Rizco’s goal is to develop strategic answers to important questions (and more!) in order to push companies to the next level.